Friday, December 6, 2013

Safe Your Eyes from Computers Light by Use One Software

It is the high time to use the Internet and Desktop / laptops all over the day. The internet makes our life easier and speedier. We get everything from the internet. So, when we wake up we enter in the cyber world for knowing the latest and updated news and look at the laptop's monitor for a long time. Today I am sharing you a tips and tricks About the software which keep your eyes safe from desktop or laptop’s light.

It is nothing but a software, which take all the responsibility for controlling your monitor screen's brightness and light to save your eyes. Its name is F.lux.


It is supported in all versions of windows. Download the F.lux software from here or from here.

How F.lux Works on your PC:

1. At first download the software and install it as usual.

2. Open the software and you get the all option there.

3. This software automatically selects your Timezone and start to control your screens light as Halogen, Fluorescent and Daylight.

3. You can change setting by the change setting button.

4. In the setting option you can adjust your light of day or night.

5. You can manually set your location by giving your actual latitude.

6. For color sensitive works like Web designing, Photo Editing, Animation Making, Graphics Designing, you can disable it by put tick marking in the Disable Button.

How can I sure it Works on My PC:
It is very easy to determine that if F.lux works on your PC properly or not. Just use the Disable Button and then determine what screens color changes on your computer and get the right decision.

I used this software a long time ago. I think it is a wonderful software for my computer and it keeps my eyes safe. So, it also helps you. If you face any problem, Don’t hesitate to comment here or any other needs you can contact us. We try my best to help you as soon as possible.


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